Hey all!
Balticon is quickly approaching and preparations are picking up! Costumes are being ordrered, rooms are being booked, and transportation is being arranged. And, of course, we are working on all of our songs, recording, and Balticon souvenirs for our table in the Dealers’ Room!
To that end, we received a request from Kate Nepveu, asking if we could signal boost this amazing project:
“Balticon has donated two memberships to Con or Bust, the fund I run that helps fans of color/non-white fans attend SFF cons and that is administered by the Carl Brandon Society, a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the production of and audience for speculative fiction. I would really like these to be used (Balticon donated memberships last year and no-one took them up on it, and I hate when that happens). The donations are good for a new registration or a refund on an existing one–can you spread the word that they’ll be available?
I’ll be taking requests for assistance to attend Balticon (and other cons in April, May, and June 2013) from February 15-25, 2013; the info page is here.”
We really hope that everyone can join us at Balticon, May 25-27! See you there!
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